Saturday, July 12, 2008

Summertime Blues

So Summertime is half over. It really bums me out. I have been working all summer and I need a break.
My summer blues began two days ago, I was at work (of course), I heard someone mention that it was raining outside. It was 8:00, I was off at 9:00. I had to hurry! There is nothing better then a heavy, summer, rainstorm. I started cleaning and finished at about 9:15 (which was okay, because I always get to work 15 minutes late). All I had left was my garbage. I had to take it through produce and dump it. I made a mad dash and was on my way back in record time. Just as I was almost in the clear, I hear, "excuse me". I gritted my teeth and turned around "do you work in the meat department?" She needed some sausage, it was on sale and the shelf was empty. On my way to the freezer, to get more, I get interrupted by a man that was looking for coffee cups (the one item in the store that I can't find). I'm sure you get the picture. To make a long story short, I ran out of the store at 9:40. The rain was gone. Jason had to work at 10:00. It takes me 10 minutes to get home, at least. It takes Jason 10 minutes to get to work. I was racing the clock.

About, two miles into my ride home, I started to relax. It was then that I noticed the smell. I took a deep breath. How could you not love the smell right after it rains. I instantly became happier. Now, this didn't get me off the hook with Jason, of course. But, he always forgives, eventually.

I just need a break. I know that Michigan is only a month away. (YEAH!) and when it gets here it means summer is almost over. I am going to commit myself to trying to enjoy all of the non-work summer moments I have left. Here are a few of my favorite summer snapshots so far.


cassie said...

I love your page the background is so cute. I love the pictures of the boys with there ice cream cone's. I have some pictues of the boys that i need to send ya. well i gotta go get the boys some breakfast. I'll probably see ya at work. have a good day.

cassie said...

Hey how did you get the picture of you jason and the boys in your "about me" part.

Holly said...

HOW SAD about missing the last good heavy rain storm. I have the same feeling about the summer slipping away. For me it is all the "back to school" things I see in the store and I think, "NO!! I am not ready to send my kids back to school yet!" The family reunion will be awesome (I hope) but I feel the same thing. After it is over, so is the summer basically. SOOO SAD!! Make the most of it, and from the adorable pics, it looks like you are!

Susanna said...

Hey Nick! I'm glad that you finally started your blog page:) I love your post about the boys, I'll have to do that for my each of my kids sometime. I loved learning about Aidan and Ashton's different little personalities. They are too cute! I think that's why I like blogging so much, I love to hear the story that goes behind the pictures:) Keep updating!

cassie said...

just waiting for another blog update. I know you've been way busy the last few weeks. I'll take some cute pictures of your boys today and send them to ya so you can put them on your blog. So jason told you about the house that were looking at?? we put in an offer of 165,000 will see what happens. i found another house that's like 5 years old for like 167,000 that we might have to look into. anyways talk to ya later bye

Larsen Lowdown said...

FINALLY!! I am so excited that you started up your blog. Now we can keep tabs on each other a little better. I've been checking your blog page every once in a while but it was always the same. I'm proud of you for getting the pictures up with the fun stories. Now you just have to keep it updated! I've decided that it really isn't as fun as I thought it would be, but for some reason I keep doing it. ---robyn